About the Endoscopy Center of Bucks County, LP
Provide high quality elective ambulatory endoscopy care to our community in an efficient and comfortable local setting.
The Endoscopy Center of Bucks County will provide excellent ambulatory GI endoscopic care in our community. We will be the ambulatory endoscopy center of choice. We will have a team of professional personnel who are passionate about patient care and committed to continuously improving our services to our patients. A spirit of collaboration and trust is evident among the medical staff, nursing staff, administrative staff and ancillary personnel.
- To create a safe, convenient and user-friendly environment for patients, physicians and staff.
- To provide an atmosphere of compassion and understanding with minimal stress and anxiety.
- To function at a high level of efficiency to accommodate the convenience of both the patient and physician.
- To facilitate a plan for diagnostics and treatment for each patient.
- To promote knowledge and skills of the facility’s staff as a means of meeting technical and scientific progress in the delivery of health care and to be aware of new research, new products and new ideas which may modify and improve present activities and procedures.
- To assure that all information regarding patients is kept private and confidential.
- To ensure that the medical staff, clinical and non-clinical personnel display professional performance and conduct.
- To ensure all patients receive the highest quality care on a completely non-discriminatory basis as to sex, race, color, creed or national origin.